The Impact of Cleaning Chemicals on Food Smell and Taste

The Impact of Cleaning Chemicals on Food Smell and Taste

In the food service industry, maintaining a clean and sanitary environment is not just a matter of compliance, but a cornerstone of food safety and customer satisfaction. However, the very chemicals used to ensure cleanliness can sometimes have unintended consequences on the smell and taste of food. This is where San-Assure comes into play as a superior alternative, offering effective sanitation without compromising the sensory qualities of your dishes. The Problem Many traditional cleaning agents, while effective at eliminating germs and contaminants, can leave behind residues that alter the smell and taste of food. For instance: Bleach and Ammonia: These common disinfectants are notorious for their strong odors. Even trace amounts can impart a chemical taste to food, making dishes unappetizing and...

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Keeping Your Restaurant Safe and Clean

Keeping Your Restaurant Safe and Clean

Running a restaurant is no easy task, especially when it comes to maintaining cleanliness and safety standards. At San-Assure, we understand the importance of a clean environment in ensuring the health and satisfaction of your customers. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your restaurant spotless and safe from foodborne illnesses.

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Revolutionizing the Food Industry

Revolutionizing the Food Industry

In the ever-changing landscape of food safety, a new protagonist has emerged: chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Unlike conventional chemical solutions, ClO2 represents a revolutionary approach, promising unparalleled standards of hygiene and safety in food processing environments. Its exceptional properties and unmatched efficacy are reshaping industry benchmarks, offering a myriad of benefits that traditional disinfectants simply cannot replicate.

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Toxic chemical releases have declined 21% in 10 years

Toxic chemical releases have declined 21% in 10 years

Today, March 21, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its 2022 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis showing that environmental releases of TRI chemicals from facilities covered by the program were 21% lower in 2022 compared to 2013. This includes a 26% decrease in air releases. During this 10-year period, releases from manufacturing facilities decreased by 9% while the value added to the U.S. economy from manufacturing increased by 14%. While overall releases increased by 1% from 2021 to 2022, there was a 6.5% increase in the number of pollution prevention activities reported under the TRI program compared to 2021. 

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Dealing with wildfire smoke damage can be devastating. When smoke is heavy for a prolonged period, fine particles can build up inside of your home, even though you may not be able to see them. If your community is experiencing wildfires, stay prepared and pay close attention to public health officials and air quality reports. We hope the following tips will help those affected begin the clean-up process.

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Norovirus on the Rise: Understanding National Trends and Preventive Measure

Norovirus on the Rise: Understanding National Trends and Preventive Measure

As we enter 2024, concerns about norovirus outbreaks loom large on the public health agenda. Norovirus, often dubbed the "winter vomiting bug," is notorious for its rapid spread and debilitating symptoms. With cases on the rise nationwide, understanding the current trends and adopting effective preventive measures is paramount to safeguarding public health.   National Trends for Norovirus Recent data from public health agencies across the nation reveal a concerning uptick in norovirus cases. The virus, notorious for its ability to survive on surfaces and in the environment for extended periods, thrives in crowded spaces and colder temperatures typically observed during winter months.Experts attribute the rise in norovirus cases to various factors, including increased international travel, changes in climate patterns, and...

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How to Banish Smoke Smells, for Good

How to Banish Smoke Smells, for Good

San-Assure stands as an exceptionally potent odor eliminator, capable of neutralizing even the most entrenched odors, including those stemming from cigarette smoke, with lasting efficacy. Unlike conventional air fresheners that merely mask odors with artificial fragrances, San-Assure operates through the process of oxidation, effectively eliminating odors at their source. Whether the offending odor originates from tobacco smoke, fire residues, mustiness, cooking fumes, or other sources, San-Assure delivers unparalleled performance. Its application can be accomplished through simple methods such as spraying, fogging, or wiping at full strength, ensuring comprehensive and long-lasting odor elimination.

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How often should I clean my Yoga Mat?

How often should I clean my Yoga Mat?

"A yoga mat is a perfect incubator for many of our skin infections. The yoga mat is a very fertile source for infection, mainly because people sweat on them and they are rarely cleaned."

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How do you kill mold effectively & safely?

How do you kill mold effectively & safely?

  Mold is a common problem in many homes and businesses, especially in damp and humid areas. Mold can cause health issues, such as allergies, asthma, and infections, as well as damage to your property, such as stains, odors, and decay. That’s why it’s important to prevent and eliminate mold as soon as possible. But how do you kill mold effectively and safely? Not all disinfectants are created equal. Some of the most popular ones, such as quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) and bleach, have serious drawbacks that can harm your health and the environment. In this blog post, we’ll explain why San-Assure, an innovative electrostatic sprayer and disinfectant solution, is the best choice for killing mold and keeping your space...

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Understanding and Combatting Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

Understanding and Combatting Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

Combating HAIs requires continuous efforts from healthcare providers, administrators, and policymakers. By implementing evidence-based practices and remaining vigilant in infection control measures, we can reduce the burden of HAIs and improve patient outcomes in healthcare settings.

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